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ReproHack in LatinR 2020

On Thursday 8 October 2020, a scientific reproducibility hackathon was carried out within the conference activities. This hackathon was organized by the LatinR team in conjunction with the ReproHack community ♻️. There were two ways of participation in the hackathon: (1) As an author: sending your article so participants try to reproduce it o... Continue Reading

Latin American communities and organizations: useR!2020 video

Cross-posted: This useR!2020 session and video was organized by Laura Acion, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Paola Corrales, and Paloma Rojas Saunero. Leonardo Collado Torres coordinated the blog post submission. This blog post was originally submitted to the R Consortium blog and published there on July 7th 2020. On June 19th 2020 we filmed a video f... Continue Reading

LatinR 2020 will be a virtual event!

Dear community: As expected, the seriousness of the health situation in our region and the uncertainty it generates make it inevitable to cancel the on-site event in Montevideo. The in-person event in that city will be reschedule for 2021, on a date to be announced before the end of the year. One of our goals in organizing LatinR has always b... Continue Reading

Birds of a feather, drawn together

By Allison Horst, Curtis Kephart, and Yanina Bellini Cross-posted: Birds of a Feather banner for RStudio::conf(2020)! The “Birds of a Feather” (BoF) sessions at the 2020 RStudio Conference were a place where R-users with similar backgrounds, interests, and aspirations could connect in a low-stress social setting. In other words - these... Continue Reading

The latinr package lets you create and submit presentations to LatinR

Introducing: latinr, the R package In this edition of LatinR we showcase a new way of submit presentations entirely from your R session! The aim is to make the whole process of creating, formatting and submitting your work as easy as possible. With the latinr package you can write your presentation using R Markdown adding the submission detail... Continue Reading

R Conferences in Latin America during 2020

1º semester 18/4/2020 - SatuRday Santiago. Santiago de Chile, Chile 19/5/2020 - V International Seminar on Statistics with R. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 2º semester 7/10/2020 - LatinR - Conferencia Latinoamericana sobre Uso de R en Investigación + Desarrollo- Montevideo, Uruguay To be determined SatRday São Pau... Continue Reading

Call for Papers

LatinR2020 <- Latin American Conference about the Use of R in Research + Development This 2020 LatinR keeps on wantering through the contintn. This year, the third edition of the confernece will take place in Montevideo, Uguruay October 7th through 9th 2020. Following previous schedules, it will consist of a first day for workshops and two... Continue Reading

LatinR Slack - Code of Conduct

Welcome! The LatinR Slack is a virtual space dedicated to meet and share experiences with attendees, authors and organizers of LatinR before and during the conference. Everyone in this workspace is required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event and previous months. We expect coopera... Continue Reading

Code of Conduct

Everyone at our conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody. The Quick Version LatinR is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regard... Continue Reading


Attribution of the images used in this website: Photo of Buenos Aires’ coast: José María Pérez Nuñez Subway photo: Thomas Hobbs Graffiti photo: Christian Jiménez Star icon: Star from Landan Lloyd from the Noun Project. Newsstand photo: Zhu interview by Jesus Puertas from the Noun Project Continue Reading